Sunday, September 30, 2012

Painting my heart out

Day 621 - Believe it or not but it is yet another holiday; this month is choke full of holidays and almost no time for work in between. And this week is half holiday so we work 3/4 of our regular time and a lot of people are on vacation since schools are closed. I was ready for a very relaxing week, even doing some catch-ups, but toay, just before I left work I got a phone call that someone is sick and we have no represantation in a big event we are attending in our capital. So instead of down time as planned, the next few days I'll be very busy. But the truth is that I like this part of my jo; I like interacting with people so this event is something I will enjoy very much. 
But the interesting thing I did today is painting. I came back from work and grocery shopping and I just felt like painting, you already knows it helps me when I am sad, and so I was busy for an hour or two pouring my heart onto the canvas and the paints and I know its a mess and will probably have to work on it some more but today this is how I felt and it's great I have a tool that can express it without words but with all the turmoil and the thoughts that are running in every direction. By the end of it I was happy with the results and I was no longer sad. So if I have to choose one subject to write aout in my blog today it will be my painting that as always heals my soul and make it whole again. I called this painting "The Dream".
I am thankful for a wonderful day with my daughter. I am thankful for a movie night and a game night and just quality time together. I am thankful for a very long talk over breakfast I had with him today; I love it when it is so open, trusting and real that one can allow his heart to do the talking. I am thankful for a great movie, great company and great inspiration and a great time I had painting. I am thankful for a great day.

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