Saturday, November 12, 2011

An Amazing Artist's Date

Day 298 -   On Thursday our art teacher gave us invitations to an opening of a very special exhibition in town. A one man show of an amazing artist – Viktor Lipkin; he is working with recycled materials – doors, clothes, keys, natural materials and creates the most amazing things I’ve seen in a long time. I had to go to work again today so, before I decided to go to the opening of the show. I was so happy I did it. Usually I don’t like recycled stuff, but he paints on it and have a very strong message in every one of his pieces. And you can see that he is not doing it because he cannot draw, on the contrary he is an amazing painter as well. There were few woodcuts of his as well and each one is something that takes your breath away. So I came for this show and I found out that he is also teaching on Tuesday mornings so I think this Tuesday I am going to enjoy few hours of painting with another teacher. In the same building  at the same time there wasan opening of a show of another artist Hadasa Lavi and few of her pieces brought tears to my eyes. it is not the same quality of work as Viktor’s but it is very introspective and from a woman’s point of view. I went to talk to her and told her that some brought me to tears and she wanted to know which ones. I showed her and she told me – so I know a lot about you now, we have to meet. I gave her my card and I hope we will. But it just spoke directly to my heart – the struggle, the sealed dreams, and the unheard cry for help. I came out of the exhibits and went right away to buy some charcoal and glue.  And on my way to work I stopped and collected some special dry materials near the beach and I know what I am going to do in the next few days – a lot of art work.

I am so thankful I went to see the opening of the shows, it evoked something very deep and primal in me. I am on my first steps as an artist but these two shows gave me a huge push and the drive to explore new media and new ways of expression. I am so thankful for such a wonderful artist date, the best I ever had.

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