Sunday, November 20, 2011

On Their Way Here!!!

Day 306 -   my oldest daughter, her fiancé and their little daughter, my little granddaughter, are on their way here right now!! After more than 5 months I will get to see them again. I am so excited. Since I moved here I tried to be back home every 3 – 4 months but this cycle was longer since I had a situation at work that I could not leave for a week or two, so her I am, home bound and so happy to see them. I met my granddaughter for a few days only right after she was born and all this huge development for a tiny baby to a one that babbles, and smile and lough and so much more, I just heard from my daughter but I could not be there and witnessed it firsthand. And now they are coming to visit; more for the great grandparents that don’t really travel anymore. My parents will come and stay with me this coming weekend so they’ll have more chances to see the baby. My ex-mother in law is also very excited and starting to plan meals, and my youngest daughter is hoping to get a day off from base so she can see them as well. So we are all very excited about this visit, and counting the hours...
And I already decided I will not wait for so long again, no matter what the reason is. No one is indispensable, so if I’ll go, someone will just have to do the urgent things in my job, and the rest will wait for me. It is part of what I took upon myself when I decided to leave my children behind and move here; it is my job to keep in touch with them. So in March or April I will go again to visit there. But right now I am thinking not about my next visit but about the one that about to begin in a few hours.
I am so thankful for this wonderful visit and I can’t wait to see them and hug them. I am thankful for the next few days that will be filled with joy; I can’t wait for it to start.

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