I am thankful for a
very interesting evening. I am thankful for all I learned from that.
I am thankful for being the model, thus learning so much more about myself than I would being only a spectator. I
am thankful for the possibility that she can help me and cure my heart burn. I am thankful for a very special day.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Chakra Healing
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Out of the army
I am thankful for this amazing day that is finally here, bitter sweet but so meaningful, when my daughter took her first steps as a civilian. I am thankful I was here for the past two years and witnessed her falls and triumphs; that I was with her every step of the way. I am thankful that what started as a dream ended today on such a high note. I am thankful for a very meaningful and open talk I had with my father; it think it cleared the air so much and maybe even opened new ways into our hearts. I am thankful he was here today and could enjoy this very special moment in time with us.
Monday, October 29, 2012
My Father
I am thankful that he is here. I am thankful that he mastered the courage to actually spend time with me. I am thankful he is still OK and we can talk and spend some quality time together. I am thankful for my heart ache, it makes me realize I care much more than I thought I do; that despite our bad and painful history at the end of the day he is my father and I love him. I am thankful I got the opportunity to realize that before it's too late and for one moment when we meet maybe for the last time, it will be from the right place, from my heart.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
A figment
I am thankful I was courageous enough to travel to another city just to meet someone I thought might be interesting. I am thankful that we didn't drag it and found right away it doesn't work. I am thankful for a very interesting evening; the guy is really intelligent and it was very interesting to talk. I am thankful for one more frog; it takes me one step closer to my prince.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
October on the beach
Day 648 - by the time I went to bed yesterday it was almost 4am, a little late even by my standards. But I knew it is Saturday and I don't have a hike this weekend so I was not stressed about it. I just turned off my alarm and put my cell phone on silent mode. by the time I woke up today is was almost 1pm! and I had few missed calls. One of which was from the friend I went to the dance with yesterday. She was bored and hungry. We decided to meet on the beach for lunch. It proved to be such a great idea. The sun was shining, it was hot and the water with only tiny ripples to disturb the calm. We ate lunch and strolled on the boardwalk, and set on the beach talking until after an amazing sunset. Only when it was completely dark and a little chilly we got up heading home. It was such an amazing afternoon; and to think that all this happens on the last week of October is even more mind boggling. Back were we used to live Halloween was always freezing cold and we are lucky enough to be too hot! Since we are both singles the natural direction of the conversation is guys and relationships. She was telling me war stories and I had some of my own of course. and we always wonder how to be able to tell when we meet the right guy, the same thing I was writing about few days ago. Right now I am supper excited about this new guy in my life, so all day long I was thinking and talking about him, a guy that I don't even know and might be such a big disappointment, but for a few days at least I can dream and hope. We both are right now and it's cool. This is the reward for having the courage to break the bondage of my marriage and getting out. People look at it and think it is so hard to try to find a new mate, almost feel pity for me/for us, singles at old age, but today I suddenly understood it is actually an amazing gift. I am excited and have butterflies in my stomach like I didn't have in years; like being a teenager all over again. I am alive like I haven't been in years and even disappointments are part of this being alive thing, because few weeks or months later I'll be back on the horse riding at full speed with the wind in my hair, alive so very alive!!
I am thankful to my friend for calling and initiating this outing to the beach. I am thankful for an amazing afternoon full of sun and sand and sea. I am thankful for a great company, for heart to heart talk. I am thankful to this guy for calling me in the middle of his hike just to tell me how excited he is about our meeting tomorrow, to let me know how much he thinks of e at the moment. I am thankful for being a teenager all over again; for dreams and hopes for the butterflies. I am thankful for an amazing sunset. I am so thankful to be in this country with its amazing weather and landscapes and mostly its amazing people. I am thankful tomorrow is almost here!
I am thankful to my friend for calling and initiating this outing to the beach. I am thankful for an amazing afternoon full of sun and sand and sea. I am thankful for a great company, for heart to heart talk. I am thankful to this guy for calling me in the middle of his hike just to tell me how excited he is about our meeting tomorrow, to let me know how much he thinks of e at the moment. I am thankful for being a teenager all over again; for dreams and hopes for the butterflies. I am thankful for an amazing sunset. I am so thankful to be in this country with its amazing weather and landscapes and mostly its amazing people. I am thankful tomorrow is almost here!
Friday, October 26, 2012
Dating once again
I am thankful for being able to date again, at least think about dating. I am thankful to my former MF for telling me about this dating site that I didn't know about and I find the quality of the people there very impressive. I am thankful this guy contacted me on that dating site, and in a way that made me want to answer. I am thankful for a great day -Jazz again in the afternoon and a dance at night. I am thankful for great time I had today on the phone with this guy I never met but who feels so familiar; for the butterflies in my stomach once again; for the impatient wait. I am thankful for an amazing day.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
So many wonderful gifts

I am thankful for all of the above - for the love and the talk and the painting and the intimacy. I am thankful for the rain and the sun and the warmth; I am thankful for all the gifts in my life. I am thankful for the endless potential; and for all that was already bestowed upon me.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
The circle of life

I am thankful we finally finished the divorce. I am thankful we did it in such a civilized and friendly way. I am thankful for an amazing wedding we got to be part of. I am thankful for being part of the ebb and flow of life. I am thankful most of all for going to sleep right now; I am sooo tired!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
A very, very early bed time
I am thankful I finally admitted to how tired I am and that I allow myself this luxury of rest. I am thankful for the warm and soft bed waiting for me only few minutes away. I am thankful I have a place where I can rest and recover and get energized again; that I have a bed and a roof over my head, that I don't have to look for a place to hide for the night.
Monday, October 22, 2012
In the dating business again
I am thankful for a nice evening with a very nice guy, even if it is not going to work. I am thankful for learning one more lesson about dating; I will get better with practice, a very important skill. I am thankful that I got back home early enough and in 10 minutes, way before midnight, I'll be asleep. I am thankful for lessons learned every day. I am thankful for a wonderful day, for evening on the beach; for another day in my private heaven.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Day 642 - Three years ago a very good friend of mine died of breast cancer. She battled it for several years with many ups and downs until she succumbed to the disease. She died few months before I moved back here. In the summers when I came to visit here, before I actually moved back, we used to sit for hours and talk even about her eminent death. She was an amazing and ש very brave woman and those traits intensify during the period when she got sicker and sicker. When she died I decided that from now on I'll be more diligent about my mammograms. But I didn't. It's easy to forget that which we don't want to remember. I really don't know why since all it takes if about 10 minutes of my time and what is on the balance is so significant and can be the difference between life and death. But last week I saw the doctor and finally I asked for a referral and today I actually came and did the mammography; and I even survived to tell the story. I really have no explanation why I delayed it for so long. Now I only have to wait for the results, to get a clean slate for another year. But I am going to be more responsible towards my health and do all the necessary tests in order to give early detection and higher rate of survival a chance, should the disease strike. It's very simple, the fact that I don't take the screenings will not prevent the disease, it can only minimize my chances of survival. so for the memory of my beloved friend, for the sake of promoting my chances to stay as long as I can on this earth in this lifetime, I am going to practice health responsibility.
I am thankful I finally did my mammography. I am thankful for hours of fun talking to a guy I met at the jazz club on Friday I have to admit, it's refreshing after the serious guys I always dated (!). I am thankful for a night of music in the choir. I am thankful for a long day that is coming to its end.
I am thankful I finally did my mammography. I am thankful for hours of fun talking to a guy I met at the jazz club on Friday I have to admit, it's refreshing after the serious guys I always dated (!). I am thankful for a night of music in the choir. I am thankful for a long day that is coming to its end.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
How to find the right partner

I am thankful for a great hike today in the beautiful northern part of our country. I am thankful for friendship that is forged on the trail and getting stronger with every hike we do. I am thankful for deep and meaningful discussions we engaged in during the hike. I am thankful for the eye opening discussion we had today. I am thankful for the opportunity now open to me to define the important things and matters in my life; for the opportunity to re-examine and rethink some of the things I declare and some of the things I take for granted. I am thankful for a great day.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Music for the soul
I am thankful my friend told me about this cool place. I am thankful I went without even thinking I am going alone to a bar and I was so rewarded for doing that. I am thankful to all the people who made this experience so very special for me. I am thankful for a most enjoyable afternoon.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Cough free night

I am thankful I went to the doctor and got help. I am thankful for a cough free evening. I am thankful for the magic of modern medicine; one round of medication and I am so much better. I am thankful it's Thursday, thus painting class day and another beautiful picture to hang on my wall. I am thankful I can go to sleep now and for the first time in two weeks have a restful sleep and a cough free night.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Movie night
I am thankful that there is a big appreciation to European movies here in my country, something I missed very much in my 22 years abroad; there you watch local films almost exclusively. I am thankful for a very interesting and intriguing movie, a thought provoking one, my cup of tea kind of a movie. I am thankful for lunch I had today with one of my friends; it was really fun and I am happy he called me. I am thankful for a long talk with my BF (latest ex, I should say) we didn't talk since the break up and it was good to do that again. I am thankful for a very good day that is coming to its end as I am going to sleep now. Good night.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
A musical evening
I am thankful for another step towards finalizing the purchase. I am thankful I decided to take that step, I believe it offers me a brighter and more secure future when I'm older and cant work anymore and being single and on a very modest salary it is something I have to consider very seriously. I am thankful for a fun filled evening were I sang at the top of my voice the new songs I got , non of my neighbors came to complain so it was either - not too loud or not too bad or maybe my neighbors are just so polite. Be as it may, I am thankful for a fun filled evening until the wee hours of the night.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Folk Dancing class
Day 636 - It is customary here that all the classes start after the end of the holiday season, in mid October, and so this week I already joined the singing group (yesterday) and today I decided to try again the folk dancing class. I tried it once last year but it is on Mondays so it collided with my Tour Guides class, but now that it's over, I enjoy the free time, especially since I broke up with my boyfriend, so my time is free and I don't have to feel guilty about being busy every single day, about being active and running around all the time. So I went to the class and it was wonderful/ last year when I tried it was not a very successful experience but now I am a little more familiar with few of the dances and especially I have so much more confidence so I don't even care if I know it or not, I can always learn if I'll just put myself out there. So this is what I did and I danced there for an hour and a half, until the advanced crowd started to join us and it was too complicate and more so too packed to enjoy it. It's funny, but some of these dances I didn't see since I was a teenager at the kibbutz; almost 40 years (!) but i was not very good at it then and now I have a chance to do it differently, with more zest. Funny that I have to be older, not as good looking as I was at 16 but happier and with less inhibitions to really enjoy this folk dance scene. The way it looks right now I am planning to be part of it for a long time.
I am thankful for a most enjoyable evening. I am thankful for the idea to give folk dancing a chance. I am thankful for being alone right now and looking for interesting things to do. I am thankful for the gift of music and dance in my life, for the joy such evening brought to my heart. I am thankful I can do so many wonderful things instead of staying home feeling sorry for myself and cry.
I am thankful for a most enjoyable evening. I am thankful for the idea to give folk dancing a chance. I am thankful for being alone right now and looking for interesting things to do. I am thankful for the gift of music and dance in my life, for the joy such evening brought to my heart. I am thankful I can do so many wonderful things instead of staying home feeling sorry for myself and cry.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
My new choir

I am thankful I decided to try this singing group one more time. I am thankful for such a joyous evening. I am thankful my life is so full of activities and excitement I cannot dwell for too long on my heart ache and how much I miss him every moment of the day; it's not that I don't miss him, but it is something that takes the sharp edge out of it. I am thankful for two hours of sheer joy where I totally lost myself in the music. I am thankful for such an amazing experience.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
It's painful

I am thankful for the past three months that were so wonderful and full of love. I am thankful for this love that made me blossom so much. I am thankful I met him even when I know the end of the story; I would not miss a day of that. I am thankful for loved ones who were here by my side helping me even if they didn't know of all that; it was just too painful for me to talk about it, but their presence helpful and so healing. I am thankful for another day that will make the burden a little easier to bare.
Friday, October 12, 2012
The Bridal Shower
but today was her day and we were all there to make her happy and special, to celebrate with her this passage into a new stage in her life and it was absolutely wonderful. We spent four wonderful hours together and all the drive back home we were still basking in the glow of the event, still finding it hard to believe that the wedding is only 12 days away. That we feel so close to them and that we love them so much, that we are so happy we are here to celebrate this special day with them.
I am so thankful for such a special occasion, so thankful we are here. I am so thankful we are here and have the privilege to mark special dates with this amazing family, good times and bad. I am so thankful we are getting into the fabric of life here more and more with each passing day; that we cannot untie it anymore, that we are here to stay.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Painting to order
Day 632 - We are finally over the holiday's season and life gets back to normal. And the best thing is that all the classes start again. So today is Thursday - my painting class, my favorite day of the week, hands down. I took the painting I started two weeks ago - "the Dream" and I took also a blank canvas. I am still not connecting enough to the old drawing, I tried for a while, made a big mess and put it aside. Last week one of my friends asked me to paint a "realistic painting for him, some kine of a landscape" I told him I am not sure I can do it but i'll try. I really did, I looked at some pictures and picked a very serene autumn scene but as my work progressed it was less what I saw and more what I felt; a rush of brush strokes in autumn colors but not realistic at all. I don't know that my friend will like it but I sure do. The interesting thing is that it's very calming for me, and I love the colors. I don't think I am willing to part with it so fast. It's funny but each one of these painting is coming from a place inside me and so I find it very difficult to let it go. each one of them resonates with me. Sometimes I struggle with a painting for a while, not really managing to connect the right way, but once I do, it just flows and the result is that I am in love with the piece, that I cannot let it go. Even when I started this painting with the intention to sell it to my friend, it still too personal; too nice to give it away. Maybe as I will paint more, I will be able to part with the old ones, not sure yet but maybe. Mean while my house looks like a gallery, so many pictures are hanging on the walls and I just love it! I am so happy our class is back in session, I really missed it last week.
I am thankful for a wonderful painting class today. I am thankful for an idea my friend planted that became a very special painting, one that is already hanging on the wall in my bedroom. I am thankful for the joy of painting.
I am thankful for a wonderful painting class today. I am thankful for an idea my friend planted that became a very special painting, one that is already hanging on the wall in my bedroom. I am thankful for the joy of painting.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
I am thankful for a day that started on such a negative note but ended with a bang. I am thankful for this opportunity to take my future into my own hands and not rely on anyone else but me. I am thankful I am in a position to make such a move; I hope it will be the first of many.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
One more frog
I am thankful I finally got the courage to open my eyes and realize it is a mirage, and not real. I am thankful I got the strength to get up and just leave. I am thankful for this wonderful man, for the time we spent together, for the dreams that didn't come true, but were wonderful never-the-less. I am thankful for lessons I learn every day, even if this one is painful. I am thankful I finally was ready to admit that all my kisses did not turn this frog into my prince, and put him back in the pond.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Old New Friends
I am thankful for a quiet and slow day today, I needed it after the high action of the past few days. I am thankful to my friend for including me in this close and intimate circle of close friends. I am thankful for a fun and interesting evening, for heart to heart conversation. I am thankful to my daughter for a very special day, like always when we have time just the two of us. I am thankful for a special day.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
The party
Day 628 - it was a great evening. I am a little tired right now, no coherent writing will come out of this one. I'll write about it tomorrow, but I just wanted to acknowledge it and be thankful, so thankful to all my wonderful friends for making it such a wonderful evening and most of all I am so thankful to my wonderful daughter for all her amazing help, I wouldn't make it without her.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Hiking again
Day 627 - to commemorate the birthday of her late father, the daughter of the guy who created most of the trails in our country and put an ever lasting mark on the hiking culture here decided to organize a series of hikes opened to the public and free of charge. For most of them I was busy with work but today is Saturday and I so I joined 5 other people from my hiking group and we joined them.The weather was great, cloudy and not too hot, the guides were young and very enthusiastic and good. The company was great, as always, and we had two new people today and it seems like we might picked one or two more people from the attendees of today's hike. But most important is that after another long break due to my project obligations, so I was very happy to hike again, to be with my friends on the trails, basking in the warmth and beauty around us. I have to admit I was tired; apparently 3 hours of sleep after a night of dancing are not enough and my knees and feet were hurting for the first few minutes, but I didn't give up so the pain did. but right now I am really sooo tired. So again, a short entry but from a very good place. after spending a whole day outdoors, after meeting new people after just having such a good time. It is so easy to forget this feeling of happiness at the end of such a day.
I am thankful for a great hike. I am thankful for the joy of meeting new people; I am thankful such a great day, especially when it comes on the tail of a great night. I am thankful for the coming party tomorrow I get calls about it everyday and it makes me so excited. I a thankful it is only 10pm and I am signing off and going to sleep now; I am dead tired.
I am thankful for a great hike. I am thankful for the joy of meeting new people; I am thankful such a great day, especially when it comes on the tail of a great night. I am thankful for the coming party tomorrow I get calls about it everyday and it makes me so excited. I a thankful it is only 10pm and I am signing off and going to sleep now; I am dead tired.
Friday, October 5, 2012
The Brith
Day 626 - I don't use this blog to express my political opinions but I do have some and There are certain areas in my country that I don't visit on that ground. My brother and all his family live in such place and I never visited him until today. His daughter gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. And today was his "brith" and we went there, my daughter and I. They are very religious and are there believing it is their mission, a small community, very poor but very happy and with such spiritual strength that it was a very unique experience. The place is beautiful, the landscape is amazing and the community very close, tight, and supportive. As much as I resented going there before, I am so happy I did. I made them very happy and I opened my eyes and my heart to something I never did before and I am so happy I did. Later that night we went dancing. I organized few of my friends and we went all together and it was so much fun. We were four people, two from my your guides class, my MF decided to join us also and we had a lot of fun together. I saw a side of my MF I've never seen before, he dance and laughed and flirted, all good things. It was also interesting how easily he connected with my friends. So a great evening, following a great day.
I am thankful I decided to go to the brith and to visit my brother's family. I am thankful I can find it in me to see good enen I places I don't agree with. I am thankful for a great dance. I am thankful my MF decided to join us, for seeing a side of him I never seen before. I am thankful for a most enjoyable night, for an amazing day.
I am thankful I decided to go to the brith and to visit my brother's family. I am thankful I can find it in me to see good enen I places I don't agree with. I am thankful for a great dance. I am thankful my MF decided to join us, for seeing a side of him I never seen before. I am thankful for a most enjoyable night, for an amazing day.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
I decided to throw a party
I am thankful for this up and coming party, long overdue but so special because of that, and I am really, really excited. I am thankful I have so many friends by now that I cannot invite them all in the same time to my house. I am thankful to my friend who called me tonight and suggested we'd go and see the outdoors event in the harbor area of our city - a huge event with street performers and food and music - we had a blast.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
A quiet evening at home
I am thankful for a very intense trip and a very rewarding one. I am just as thankful to be back in my own home, my own bed, my own little heaven. I am thankful for constant changes, for work that is never boring, for life that is so exciting and fun. I am thankful for a quiet evening for the lull. I am thankful for an uneventful evening.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
An amazinge act of kindness
I am thankful for the trial I went through yesterday; it is very important for me to understand with whom I am dealing, the good and the bad. I am thankful beyond words to my friend; for being a true friend, for doing such an act of kindness, for asking nothing in return. I am thankful for an amazing lesson. I am thankful for an amazing afternoon, that even now, six hours later I cannot get over it. I am thankful for trials in my life that illuminate the good I am surrounded with. I am thankful for such an amazing day!!!
Monday, October 1, 2012
I lost my cool
I am thankful more than I'll ever be able to express that I am out of my previous life. I am thankful that this man is out of my life and that our religious divorce will take effect this month. I am thankful I might get upset for a few hours but then I go back to my sane life, away from all this.
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