Day 641 - Saturday is hiking day and now that the summer is over it is not as hot and it's more pleasant to hike. We gathered a group of 10 friends and we hiked for about 7 hours. The terrain was not easy strewn with a lot of rocks and boulders which makes it more difficult for people our age with knees that are not as good as they were 20 years ago, but we just walk a little slower and it's all fine. The nice thing about our group is that we know each other for a long time already and we are very comfortable talking about very personal matters and so we talk the whole time. Today, since we are all singles or at least not married so the being a couple thing is quite temporary, we had a long discussion about how we can do better at dating, how can we tell if someone is the right person or not. I said that I think the good thing is that we meet them all the time, we just don't realize that, means there is more than one person that can be the right match for us, we just have to really understand what we are looking for. We have to define very clearly what are the few things that are a "must have" for us and what are the "nice to have" when we define this list it is easier to examine whether the person in front of us have these qualities or not. I said that and realized that this is really what it is, when I'll understand what I am looking for what is it that I really need in a relationship in order for it to work. So now that I was all smart to state that I have to actually walk my talk, I have to stop long enough to think what is my short list of "must have" - thing that are a make or break for a relationship, that I cannot do without having them, and what is my longer list of "nice to have" all the things it will be nice if my mate will have or be but I know we can build a steady and satisfying relationship even if they are not present. In other words for the first time I want to look and try to understand what makes me tick and what makes me run for cover; what is it that I need in order to give up some of my freedom and be happy with the trade off, with the togetherness I will get in return. It makes me so happy to be in such a place where we can talk about personal issues and open up; a place that stimulates growth and free thinking. I am thankful for a great hike today in the beautiful northern part of our country. I am thankful for friendship that is forged on the trail and getting stronger with every hike we do. I am thankful for deep and meaningful discussions we engaged in during the hike. I am thankful for the eye opening discussion we had today. I am thankful for the opportunity now open to me to define the important things and matters in my life; for the opportunity to re-examine and rethink some of the things I declare and some of the things I take for granted. I am thankful for a great day.
יומן המסע שלי לירידה במשקל
בפעם האחרונה בהחלט
אני מתכוונת להשתמש בכל כלי שלמדתי בחיי
כדי לעשות זאת
אשמח אם תצטרפו אלי
אם צשאלו או תתנו לי רעיונות
ואם נוכל ליצור קבוצת תמיכה שתעשה זאת ביחד - מה טוב!!
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