Day 646 - I am sitting here and debating what am I going to write about. So many good things happened today, so many good things happen every day. I feel so blessed to have such good life; touched by love. Love of my friends, love of my dear ones, love of the greater forces around me that light my path. What should I write about? a good day at work? two wonderful girls, my daughter and her friend, who were waiting for me with open arms when I came back from work? a very interesting phone call with a guy I don't even know that lasted for almost an hour and was so interesting and intriguing? another paining class, wonderful as always? a date with my daughter at night? the stories she tells me that not many parents are so lucky as to be privi to such level of intimacy? the rain, so blessed in this part of the world, that caught us by surprise and made us run for cover? the warm bed that is waiting for me when I'll finish this entry? living here in this country for the past two years? knowing that even at the worst of time I prefer to be here than elsewhere? I live here at the foot of this volcano waiting to erupt and bless my lucky stars for that. I prefer to be here and enjoy all of the above and know that one day it might end than to never enjoy all that to begin with; I prefer to die once and fully live until that day. With every passing day I am so much more convinced I made the right choice by moving here. I live life I didn't even think possible; not because I am wealthy and have everything I want, because I don't. But I live life so rich and exciting, so full of promise; I am so alive, I could not wish for anything better. I am thankful for all of the above - for the love and the talk and the painting and the intimacy. I am thankful for the rain and the sun and the warmth; I am thankful for all the gifts in my life. I am thankful for the endless potential; and for all that was already bestowed upon me.
יומן המסע שלי לירידה במשקל
בפעם האחרונה בהחלט
אני מתכוונת להשתמש בכל כלי שלמדתי בחיי
כדי לעשות זאת
אשמח אם תצטרפו אלי
אם צשאלו או תתנו לי רעיונות
ואם נוכל ליצור קבוצת תמיכה שתעשה זאת ביחד - מה טוב!!
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