Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A musical evening

Day 637 - I had to meet the appraiser today at the property I am buying so he can do an appraisal for the bank; a necessary step before getting a mortgage. I hope that in about two weeks we'll transfer ownership. The only problem was that he was delayed and by the time we were done it was after 1 pm. I am so lucky as to have a very flexible job so I just called in said I'll be very late and I just have to make up the hours. So I stayed today until 8 pm and tomorrow I have only an hour or two to make up. But it changed my evening plans of course. I wanted to see a movie tonight but by the time I got home it was too late so I'll do it tomorrow evening instead. But not to worry, my evening was fun never the less. The leader of my new choir sent us eight new songs so we can start working on them. I really like his method - he records the song for each one of the voices and sends it to us as an MP3 file so we can learn it at home and come prepared to class. It requires a lot of work of him and it is amazing that someone is ready to invest so much work into it, but I am sure the result will be great since we can get to work on a whole new level right away. I particularly liked one of the songs because it had an amazing arrangement and I can't wait to hear us singing it all together. I listen to it so many times this evening and it is still playing in my head. but it was most enjoyable evening, I sang it over and over again while searching on the internet for the lyrics to all the songs he wanted us to prepare. I can see already that I am going to enjoy this class very much and apparently few more days of the week will be glowing as well. 
I am thankful for another step towards finalizing the purchase. I am thankful I decided to take that step, I believe it offers me a brighter and more secure future when I'm older and cant work anymore and being single and on a very modest salary it is something I have to consider very seriously. I am thankful for a fun filled evening were I sang at the top of my voice the new songs I got , non of my neighbors came to complain so it was either - not too loud or not too bad or maybe my neighbors are just so polite. Be as it may, I am thankful for a fun filled evening until the wee hours of the night.

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