A very, very early bed time
Day 644 - I went to sleep very late in the past few days and I am exhausted, so I am going to do something I haven't done in years - I am going to sleep now, yes, it's only 6 pm. I don't know if I am tired enough to sleep until the morning or not but I sure hope I can. I am so tired that I actually feel sick. So here you go - an amazing act of kindness just because it cannot go on like that. I have to drive tomorrow to a wedding about an hour away from here and in my current condition it will be dangerous to do so. I got an invitation from a friend to join him for a theater show tonight and I declined it saying I dare not drive. So yes, I am tired to the brink of collapse and this is were I am heading right now. Should I wake up at the middle of the night I'll just start cleaning the house, so no problem. It is 10 hours later now, and I wanted to write the end of the story, very unusual for me, as you know by now. I went to bed at 17:45 and I think that in less than a second I was asleep. I woke up at 2:50 am and was not tired, so just as I said i started cleaning my house. It is now 4:55 and I am heading back to bed and my house is sparkling clean and I am just tired enough for an hour nap before I wake up to start my day. I am so very happy I decided to go to sleep so early tonight. I had to break that cycle of sleep deprivation I put myself through.
I am thankful I finally admitted to how tired I am and that I allow myself this luxury of rest. I am thankful for the warm and soft bed waiting for me only few minutes away. I am thankful I have a place where I can rest and recover and get energized again; that I have a bed and a roof over my head, that I don't have to look for a place to hide for the night.
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