Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Day 1665 - two weeks ago I signed up for motorcycle lessons so to get one more of my Bucket list items checked; and even more importantly, something I resolved to get when I left home five years ago. After a week I realized that the instructor is not going to let me ride the motorcycle in a very dishonest way and in contrary to what he said when we started this journey. I told him that I am leaving and I will find another school. This Sunday I started in the new school with a much better instructor and much better attitude. He put me in the MC right away, did not see any problem with my height (which was the lame excuse of the first one) and sure enough I rode it with no problems. Yesterday I had my second lesson in which I improve a lot and today I started practicing the slalom. The funny thing is that it looks difficult from the outside but actually exciting when I am the one doing it. So of course I have to practice but it feels good already. I know it will take me awhile to get my lisence but I enjoy the road so much that it really OK with me. I know not too many women have MC lisence and I will be very happy to join that small group. I am thankful for a wonderful lesson today; I enjoyed every minute of it.

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