Sunday, August 23, 2015

Day 1677 - I was struggling with the 180 turn on the bike for the past two lessons, ever since I moved to the better bike. And it continued for the first half of today's lesson as well. At that point my instructor have me a little top that changed everything. From that moment I nailed every single turn with room to spare. I was elated. It's hard to grasp how critical the gaze is in a motorcycle ride; it's everything. If I look deep enough into the turn the bike just goes there with no pressure on my part. Amazing. I am so thankful for a great lesson today and a very good progress!! I am thankful to my partner that comes with me to my lessons and helps me analyze my mistakes and ways to correct them and to top it all teaches me all the time the theory behind good motorcycle riding; giving me the needed edge to stay alive on the road.

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