Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Day 1715 - when we were sitting "Shiva" after my dad passed away we decided that its not good to meet only on such sad occasssion and we have to have a pleasant family gathering. After much discussion we picked today as the best date. And so in the early afternoon we drove from the north (me) and the east (my brother and his family) and the south (my sister and her family, my mom and my daughter) and we all me in the center of the country in a very lovely park. We had so much fun spending time together and talking that six hours later we were still there. So it seems like we'll try to do it again and maybe even make it into a new tradition. It's nice to see everyone and it's nice to see the kids having so much fun. As for my immediate family, me and my kids, one of the things we like most about being back here is this family ties thing so the three of us just loved it. And it nice we can see each other and spend few hours in such a lovely setting with such great company, relaxed and feeling all fuzzy inside. I am thankful for such a special family gathering, I sure don't take something so special for granted.

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