Monday, May 25, 2015

Day 1586 - my sister has a serious learning disability and she didn't do much with her life, learning wise, because of that. So when few months ago she said she wants to learn reflexology we were very happy and encouraged her to pursue that. But last week she was told she cannot continue, that she is not good enough. Today she had a meeting with the dean of her college to decide what to do, so not wanting to let her fend for herself when she is in a big emotional turmoil and knowing her and her ability to do that, I took the train to meet her there. Sadly I came out of this meeting with the realization that they are right and she probably cannot do that but we agreed to give her few booster lessons and see if it helps before making a final decision. It's sad and frustrating but I can see their point. I cannot even imagine my sister's feelings and hurts. But this is what she has to play with and I will try to help and support as much as I can.

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