Monday, May 4, 2015


Day 1565 - when we decided to build a website for the store we envisioned a serious online activity. We thought it will seriously contribute to our bottomline. And it has to be active to justify its cost and the hours of maintenance it requires. It didn't really work this way and in real life at the beginning there were several months without even a single purchase. But like everything else, time and persistance in advertising are the magic formula to success. In the past two months we see a growing activity there as well and today, for the first time we had two orders in a matter of minutes. We are not yet where we envisioned we'll be but this is a serious step forward. And it comes to show one more time to never give up. That success will come to those who are ready to work hard and long and have an unwavering vision. We learned that so many times in the past, and it's always proves itself to be true.

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