Friday, May 8, 2015

A clean house

Day 1569 - coming home at the end of a long week is always a good thing. Just to be able to kick off my shoes and r e l e x is so wonderful. And to come home to a sparkly clean house is even better. Moving here I decided that I just don't have the energy to clean my house. That if I have one day off in a week I don't want to spend it cleaning. So I am ready to give up restaurants and many other things and have that money ready for Friday for my cleaning lady. I had cleaning lady for many years but when I moved here I decided I can do it myself and save. But now that I am in the store or studying or working in the mall it is just too much. So moving into this house was a trigger to change that. And I have to admit it sure contributes ell to my quality of life. I am thankf I can afford that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cleaning companies are a great investment, and totally worth the expense. They significantly reduce your stress, and give you the time to pursue the things that matter to you instead of spending time on your knees scrubbing the floors. I’ve been using a cleaning lady for several years now, and I wouldn’t give her up for anything!

Blanca Douglas @ Safeclean Ealing