Saturday, April 25, 2015

Terrifying news

Day 1556 - we ended a very long and difficult hike, very proud of ourselves for doing it in one day. And then on our way back to the car we heard that this morning there was a big earthquake in Nepal. My daughter left Nepal three days ago, way ahead of her original plan. For some reason she felt she doesn't want to stay there and flew to Thailand. As her mom I was so happy to know she is well and safe and far away from the disaster area. Thanking these unexplained powers that made her change her plans just in time and spared her the sights even if personally unharmed. As a human being I feel for all those there and for the many lives lost and for so many more that forever changed. And it crossed my mind once again, it so much easier to be sympathetic when uninvolved. Don't we all in the secret of our heart feel for others but thank our luck it's not us or someone very dear to us. I know it sounds so callous but I am no mother Theresa and at least I am honest enough to admit to that. I am so very thankful my daughter made this critical decision and is safe in another country now. So I can also be thankful for the wonderful hike I had today.

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