Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Proof of concept

Day 1545 - last week we decided that as of this week we are going to close the store on Tuesdays at 2 pm and have the afternoon for ourselves. Time to take care of the house, go shopping or just to break the very long week. And so we were sitting for lunch in the store after a very quiet morning where not even one person came in and as we were eating the door opened and in came a good client of ours. And half an hour later he left with two bags full of merchandise and we were left with a quarter of a month sale. It is the single biggest purchase we had so far. So we decided it is a confirmation that our decision to take an afternoon off is a good one. The truth is he is a good client and loves crystals so everything he bought found a good home. Still I am still at awe that it happened. We ended the day going to a BBQ store and we bought a BBQ and furniture for our porch. Now we are ready for summer nights. I am thankful for this amazing experience today, to know that our little store had that potential, that we only have to reach the right people. I am thankful for time off we had today. I am thankful for all that we finally had time to buy today, things we sure will use for a very very long time. I am thankful for such a special day.

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