Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Packing (again)

Day 1497 - we are moving in three weeks so I decided to start packing today. I don't have much time so I figured it will be better to pack every day a few boxes and be done on time instead of a last minute mad dash to the finish line. So the first 6 boxes are already standing in our very small dining/living room. I am not really sure where I can store about 50 boxes, but for now I still have some room to play with. And it's for a good cause. I hope this move and this packing session is my last for a very long time. This is my 5th house in less than five years. I think I had my fair share in that. So my books are all packed, always the first to go in since its the easiest and as of tomorrow I'll go for the heavy stuff and see how much I can toss away as well. For now I am so very happy for the first step towards our upcoming move. I am thankful to be in this positio today and start packing to move to my very own house here in my country. I am thankful I was able to do that and that the day is almost here.

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