Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Challenging questions...

Day 1595 - a loaded topic today in my class - the non written contract that couples establish in their realationship, usually without being aware of that. It's interesting of course, but even more than that, it's painful. It puts a mirror in front of each one of us to understand what went wrong, how do we treat and mis-treat, how are we being treated and where it all came from. And since these are the glasses we wear and that's how we view the world, without awareness this pattern will repeat itself. It also made us all look at our kids, our behaviors towards them and their s to the world. So many things to think about, so much to learn. I sure have a lot of thinking to do, to try to see beyond the stories we tell ourselves to the bare truth. I am not there yet, but this sure is a very important wake up call. One more step into greater awareness. One more mask I have to remove and find what's behind it. Interesting, a very interesting and chlenging class, for sure.

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