Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Tuesday is twice as good and even more

Day 1637 - in the creation of the world on Tuesday God saw twice that things are good. So according to our tradition tuesday is a blessed day. In our small and narrow world Tuesday is a very special day since we close the store at 2 pm thus have an afternoon for ourselves when we are not too tired to do anything. It was not an easy decision for a store that barely keeps itself in the black but week after week we get the affirmation that it was the right thing to do. Our clients just come earlier on Tuesday and buy well so by 2 pm we are more than ok with our stats. Today was no exception, actually it was better than ever thus we went home elated. In two days we had sales worth of half a month of work. Someone is smiling at us from above. So we had a nice early dinner on our lovely porch, watched a movie and still can go to sleep in a normal hour, luxuries that are possible only on Tuesdays. I am thankful for everything. For the joy of a short day, for the promise of a good sale, for a lovely dinner and for hours of fun I spend with my partner; non of all that I take for granted and I am thankful for everything, for all the blessings in my life.

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