Sunday, July 12, 2015

Two weeks

Day 1635 - two weeks since my dad passed away and it still didn't sink in. It's hard to grasp the fact that he is not here anymore. I continue in my daily routine; I work, I shop, I cook and I even had a fun outing yesterday and yet underneath it all there is this void he left behind. I talk to my mom and there no dad to ask about. I will soon visit there and it will be only to visit my mom. Parents are a fixed feature in our lives and even when they get older they are 'there'. But now the game plan has forever changed. And yet I am so thankful I had him as my dad for so many years and I am happy I came back here when I did thus having the chance to spend his last years close to him and in such good relationship. It's never 'making up' for the lost time but at least not creating a bigger void. And on my very selfish side - I got to spend some precious time with him. And I sure am thankful for that. I can't even imagine being still abroad when my dad passed away.

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