Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Day 1652 - its so easy to fall into numbing routine and fail to notice that our days here are numbered. So many things I didn't tell my dad for example, and even when I knew he chose not to go into dialysis, I still didn't realize how little time was left and I didn't even see him again after that fateful visit. I fell asleep on my wach, so to say, and did not take the alert seriously enough. But most of us don't even have this prior notice and one day it is just too late. Too late for many reasons strength, health, time... I want to take the hard lesson I got and try to apply it to my life. I don't know how much time I have left and how much time my loved ones have so I better make good use of that time. I bury myself in work that leaves me no time and no energy for anything else. I came here with plans to travel the world, to conqure the world and somehow I forgot it and life got in the way. Can I do it differently? Something to think about... I am thankful for wake-up calls, even if unintended, that reminds me once again where I want to go. I am thankful, time is still in my hands to make some needed changes.

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