Saturday, September 13, 2014

A great hike

Day 1332 - My daughter is staying here for the weekend and since the weather is getting a little less hot and more manageable we decided to go a hike up the Carmel mountain, not far from where we live. She is planning a trip to the far east in a few months that will include high altitude trekking, it is a good idea to start conditioning for that. I am ashamed to admit but I didn't hike in a very long time. Sadly life got in the way of my hiking tradition so the climb today was a little harder than it should have, but I did it and I also got the itch to get back to that. I don't think I can commit to a weekly hike but anything will be better than what I do right now. We came back home tired but very satisfied with our trip. She talked most of the way about her plans and I was so happy for her, it is a right of passage for young people here in our country before they get serious about their life, a few months travel somewhere in the world is a great way "the Hero's quest" as Karl Young called it. I didn't do it when I was her age and I always felt I missed a great experience, so I am very happy she is planning that trip. So today was my little contribution to her first step on this important path. I am thankful for a wonderful hike. I am thankful for the wonderful company. I am thankful I got to hear my daughter's plans and be part of this exciting endeavor, even if in such a minor part. I am thankful for hours of throwing away stuff we both did later in the day. My life already feel a little less cluttered.

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