Thursday, September 25, 2014

Segment two of the trail

Day 1344 - we walked the second segment of the Israel Natiol Trail and the truth is that we are so tired right now, I can't even write. But it was a wonderful day. A challenging hike on a very hot day. But a very fit way to celebrate the new year. I hope this will mark a year full of such activities. We are thinking right now of doing at least one segment a month so this is a very long term plan, considering the fact the it is more than forty segments long. But I am very excited about this plan. First of all doing the entire trail is something on my Bucket List and I love hiking so for me it's alway a good plan to go hiking. True that for over a year we didn't hike but the excuses time is over and now we are just doing it. I am thankful for a wonderful hike today. I am thankful we came out with the plan to do the trail segment by segment. I am thankful for a wonderful New Year.

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