Saturday, October 25, 2014

Quality time

Days 1373 and 1374 - I'm not keeping up with my blog on this trip; somehow time is not so real and definit. For the first time since I arrived I went to the bay land yesterday for a hike. I even ran for 15 minutes, something I didn't do in a very long time. It was beautiful as always and very serene and I was very happy about the running part of it; maybe I'll be able to get back to running... Today I went back there with my son, just strolling but still enjoying the walk and even more so the talk. I spend the last two days with my son and it was wonderful. He is at a point of making big decision and I am very happy to be of help while he's contemplating his future moves. I also just enjoy his company and our long talks after a year apart. It makes me happy to see him getting more comfortable in his own skin, to see him getting more mature and responsible. I treasure days like today so much. I sure don't take even one minute of it for granted.

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