Sunday, October 12, 2014

What should I do with my life

Day 1362 - I'm reading a book about existential psychology and it brings up the subject of death and our very basic and deep fear of it. The efforts we put into avoiding thinking about it, as well as the well known fact that only when we face our death we can fully live. An interesting subject indeed. The Buddhism deals with that and I read few books about that but I don't really ever ask myself these questions or think about them very much. And by avoiding the subject I lower my awareness to my life as I live them minute by minute and let the events and circumstances take control. At my age and life experience, it is time to take one more step in this direction. Define priorities and things I wish to accomplish and set timeline so at the end of my life I will not have too many regrets. I came here four years ago with so many plans and somehow I let life get in the way of "living" and all my dreams were put on hold. I will take the coming few weeks to actually think things over and see what I'll come up with. I am thankful for every reminder that life is so short and should not be put on back burner for later. I am thankful for the leading hand of the universe that put this book in my hand. I am thankful for an opportunity to grow up.

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