Friday, October 10, 2014

Looking ahead

Day 1360 - an interesting movie about a dysfunctional family followed by a heart to heart talk with my daughter. I think that the worst thing about such family is that the kids don't have a good role model to create a better family for themselves. And being a member of a family like that, my daughter is rightfully concerned about the future. I told her my belief, that she knows what to be attuned to, what are the kind of behaviors that should set the alarm. That she has a good chance at a better family exactly because of that. But I can understand her concerns. The last thing I wanted is for my kids to be hurt and yet I was not smart enough to prevent it. I can just hope my kids will be smarter and make better decisions than me. It is so sad and painful looking back and knowing I failed, and I let down my kids. And there is nothing I can do to change that; except listening to their pain if they choose to share it with me.

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