Thursday, January 29, 2015

Getting ready for my kids arrival

Day 1470 - my oldest daughter is coming for a short visit tomorrow and my son is emigrating here the following day. I am so excited about that. When he first told me I didn't think he was serious but he was and in two days he'll be here. My oldest daughter is only here for a very short visit but still, for two days we'll be all the four of us here. I already told them to save that evening so we can celebrate that very special event. We didn't have that in almost five years, ever since me and my youngest daughter moved here. So I went shopping today to make sure I'll have food at home if we decide to eat here and I cleaned the house and prepared the room for my son who will say with us at the beginning until he'll find a place for himself. I am so excited, I can't wait for my kids to be here. I am thankful for something I didn't believe will happened. I am so thankful to have all my kids here for a few days. I am thankful for an opportunity to tidy up the house more than I did lately.

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