Friday, January 16, 2015

So much bliss

Day 1457 - I made another trip to the deep south part of our country to visit my parents. This time because of the weather it took much longer but I made it. Driving at night in the desert was nice and it was so great to see a starry night; we haven't seen that in weeks in our part of the country. And here the air is cold but dry and the house is so much warmer than mine (I can't wait to move to my new apartment that is well insulated and well heated). As usual I picked up my daughter from her house and for an hour she was telling me stories about her boyfriend. It makes me so happy to see her so happy and so much in love. As a mom I love swing my kids happy and now with my oldest daughter expecting a baby in a few months, my son moving here in two weeks and my youngest daughter in a happy relationship i196225ilt's so wonderful. I see all the three building their lives, taking big strides in their adult life, what else can I ask for. And if I'll add to that the trip today and seeing my parents in a good mood and relatively good health and let's not forget my new apartment, and the love I share with my partner... I have so many reasons to be thankful. When I left home four and a half years ago I didn't know what direction life will take; I am so happy to see so much bliss now. And I know some things will change and we all have difficulties and trials in our future, but for one fleeting moment everything is perfect and I an so thankful for that.

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