Monday, January 5, 2015

Now it's official

Day 1446 - so now it's official; I bought a house. I signed the contract today and paid the down payment. It was very uneventful, as it should be, just meeting at their attorney's office, signing papers for a little over half an hour and that was all. In the next two months they have to pack, I have to pack and if all goes well, and I don't know of a reason why not, on the 10 of March I'll get the keys to my house and can start preparing it for the move. I have the other house for yet another month so I can do thing with no rush. But this is all in the future. Today I just signed the contract that will bring big changes to my life. I will stop moving from one rented place to the next. I will stop wasting money on rentals while the housing price going up. But most if all I will live in my own house, I can buy furniture that fit, I can saw curtains, I can make change as I see fit; it's mine and I can do that. Once again I leave the Gipsy life behind me and I root myself, this time in my beloved country and my beloved city. How lucky I am. I am thankful to my realtor for finding this house for me. I am thankful to my beloved partner for doing an amazing job during the negotiation and bringing down the price much lowrr than I even dared to hope. I am thankful to my ex for buying me out of our house there thus enabling me to buy a house here. I am thankful to the planet for bringing all the opportunities and the nice people I was lucky to encounter during this process of buying a house that I heated so many unpleasant story that luckily my experience was so very different. I am thankful today after 4 and a half years of moving around I am now going to settle down once again.

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