Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A wake up call

Day 770 - in a matter of two days an acquaintance of mine lost his father, aunt and mother-in-law. I met him and his brothers yesterday and it was heart breaking to see and feel so much raw pain and the galant effort to find their footing again, to get back to daily life that I'm sure looks so far and not important at the moment. I write a lot about uneventful days and how wonderful they look when in the midst of a storm. And here this family, totally devastated, struggling to get to a blissful moment of just a little less pain. A real reality check for sure. I looked at them thinking that I am so blessed that my life are so peaceful and I know all too well that this is not forever. We all will know sorrow and loss and it is waiting for me behind the corner. I better enjoy to the fullest the presence of all my loved ones since we never know when is our last chance to express our love. We better live every day to the fullest so not to waste an opportunity, we better live fully conscious life.

I am thankful for every day I am here on this earth. I am thankful for every day my loved ones are here; for every opportunity for me to show them my love. I am thankful for this wake up call.

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