Monday, February 11, 2013

Coming back home

Day 756 - my daughter is on her way back home after three weeks with her father and siblings in our old country. I can't wait to see her. I was away for two weeks so it made it easier and we talked almost every day, but still it is so good to have her here again. Every time one of us travels there in the back of the mind it raises the question "are they going to come back". This dual loyalty, or the very viable option of staying there of moving back. I know I will not do that, I know I found my place and as far as I know she feels the same but it is always an option that the temptations, the ease of life and the fact that she misses her siblings terribly will call her back. What would I do if this ever happens? I don't know and I truly hope I'll never have to find out, but it is a very serious question. I'll be torn and heart broken no matter what my decision will be. I can only hope this day will never come. But today I am so happy she is on her way right now, making the very long trip from there back here. I can't wait to see her!

I am thankful for every day we are both here. I am thankful for the home we created here. I am thankful tomorrow I will see my beloved daughter again; It's been a very long trip, a very long time we were away from each other, and I can't wait for it to be over!

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