Sunday, August 24, 2014

an hairloom recipe

Day 1312 - many years ago, way before it became a right of passage, my grandfather visited India for a few months in search of new plants that he was planning to acclimate in our then very young country. He brought mango and few other things but most important of all for our family was a very special recipe of chutney. I used to love it when my grandma made it but then they both died and I grew up and I thought this recipe was gone forever. I lived for many years abroad near a very large Indian community but never found a chutney that even remotely reminded me of this legendary one. and then, few years ago I found out that my mom has it and I was able to taste this divine condiment again. and today, after several years of saying "I really should make my own chutney" I finally did!! and it's not difficult, as long as you plan it ahead of time and have all the ingredients. I don't know why I had such a barrier but it's finally here with few large jars full to the brim and I cannot wait for tomorrow to make fresh rice and eat it. I was talking yesterday about enjoying the little things, well, I am so very happy I did it and from now on it will become a regular thing to make chutney. My beloved grandparents are long gone, but tonight and I am a little closer to them, thinking of them fondly.
life is in the details and tonight I am so thankful I finally decided to make a stand and do it myself.

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