Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Letting go of the past

Day 1313 - I could not post my blog yesterday, so here I am a little late, but still live and kicking and most important of all still thankful for every day I live here, on our beautiful planet.
I reading a lot, as always, I guess it's just a part of who I am. I can never see myself without some form of a reading material within reach and with this habit many realizations are just waiting behind the corner to pop into my life and change something; be it a way I look at a situation, evaluate things, consider my wants and needs, the way I look at life in general. And as I am getting more and more into the enormous world of mysticism I see things differently. It sometimes questions my very core beliefs and I love it. I love it when I have to re-consider things I took for granted, I feel it keeps my mind working and prevent me from being stuck. Nothing is a taboo, nothing is sacred in our set of beliefs and it's really good to shake it well every once in a while, to see what still works and what can I part with, and what I can add that will make my journey more profound and meaningful. Sometimes I struggle with an idea for a long time before I make a decision if it's right for me. One such subject is the act of letting go of the past. Be it a good memory or a bad one; a person that hurt or disappointed; a person who was good but is no longer in my life or any other issue that I carry with me for no reason. I read about this a long time ago that when our "truck" is too full with "garbage" we carry with us we have no room for new experiences in life, that we have to "unload our truck" and be lighter and more open. It sounds very logical but I also knew right away that this is a heavy one and it will take me a long time to be able to adopt it and make it part of my life. But as time goes by I make small steps in this direction, I let go of stuff that I kept for no reason for years and carried it with me even across the big ocean and in great expense. I only try to imagine how heavy is the mental load of such a baggage, what is the toll it takes on my soul and my mind. But as hard as it is, I do the work and one by one I let go of memories no longer needed, of people that their contribution to my life is negative and I keep them there only because it is difficult to let go. And with every little thing or memory I let go I am thankful, I feel stronger and more assure of myself, no longer bound by a past I cannot change and don't need in the present. More free to make decisions from where I am now on my path and not from where I used to be. I did one more act of letting go today and it feels so good, so right. It's time to put the past where it belongs and move on.

I am thankful for lessons, for challenges, for opportunities to learn what I am made of and what I am capable of doing. I am thankful for my past but I made a decision to let it go and be free at last. I am thankful for every day of my life.

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