Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Taking it to the next stage

Day 1314 - we are almost done with new materials in my numerology class. It's not that we know everything but we are in the basic class and the rest will be covered in the advance class. Now we are learning how to put it all together. So for two hours we worked on one case and looked at it from every direction. It's so interesting and so amazing, to see how everything falls into ace, how fate and the person play their parts. We have one more class like that and than we start a mini seminar of five weeks with real people, not from our class that we will analyze. At the end if that we will be in a position to be a beginner reader. How exciting!!
I am so thankful I decided to take this class; so thankful to a new world unfolding in front if me. I am thankful for this unique opportunity to connect with higher order and hopefully the ability to put it to good use and help people make better choices. I am so thankful for all this class is doing for me, for places it lifts me; for the gifts I receive.

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