Saturday, August 30, 2014

A very special weekend

Day 1318 - A weekend spent with the man I love. A walk on the beach yesterday until very late, a day trip today and just being together with no work and daily commitments is very special indeed. We are together almost two years now, and what I am realizing is that our relationship is getting better with time. That instead of getting into some kind of a routine we keep it fresh and intense, and being 56 years old I know it's not a given. I've been in relationship before and I know that time is its worst enemy, that routine is killing the love and romance. And here things are only getting better and our love deeper and more meaningful. I hope we will be smart enough to keep it that way for a very long time. I wrote on my Bucket list that I want to experience a big love before I die, I think I can mark it as "done". I am so thankful for his presence in my life, for blessings more than I thought possible.

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