Saturday, August 23, 2014

it's about time

Day 1311 - We  watched a very cute movie - "about time" it talks about living your life to the fullest, every day of it. Not by re-living the days but by doing it right, by being present in our life, appreciating how lucky we are and acknowledging how special every moment is and not letting it slip by un-noticed. I want to live this way as much as I could, I think this is why we are here for. To make it right, to make it matter, to make every moment shine. I would love to come to my final moments knowing that there is very little I would change, a that I have lived a good, meaningful life. what a lovely movie, what a wonderful way to live by.
I am thankful for this reminder, it is so easy to forget and I hope I never will, not for too many days anyway.

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