Thursday, August 21, 2014

An early call

Day 1309 - this morning at 9 am we got a phone call from someone that was waiting outside our store. He wanted to buy something and was checking when are we'll be there. we live only few minutes away and we were on our way out when he called. In no time we were there and could help him right away. It is the first time we are being called this way, having a client waiting for us and it's really nice. It's just one more evidence to show our store is making waves and people are starting to notice us and talk about us. Mystic store is not exactly main stream business, thus slower to penetrate and establish itself. But every day we see in more ways that we are doing well, that we are catching the attention of the right people and it ripples. We have as a next door neighbor a tattoo store and people are calling them all the time, it feels good to be in this situation for the first time also. I wish for many more of those calls. and the sells info still climbing the charts we are already 25% over our best month and we still have 9 days to go. I sure hope we are going to move into black for the first time.
I am thankful for every person that gets into our store, for this very special phone call and hope for many more. I am thankful for another good day at the store and in life.

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