Sunday, April 27, 2014

Holocaust remembrance day

Day 1193 - day of remembrance of the 6 million Jews that perished during the Holocaust. It's especially sad this year as I see my mother in law and my father, both Holocaust survivors, getting a year older and so much older physically. Realizing that in a few years there will be not even one of those survivors still alive and it will become just a history that will probably be forgotten too soon. How sad, how scary, how unbelievable...  I am glad few are still alive and I wish them all many more years with us. and first in line - my dear ones. Every year that passes, the day gets a more special meaning, more urgent need to be the ones who will carry the torch and the stories to future generations; even my grandchildren will never remember seeing any of those survivors.
I am thankful I still lived to be part of that sad and tragic history; thus carrying the sacred task to pass it on. I am thankful I never had to live through these horrific events myself. I am thankful for every day I still have with my loved one here.

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