Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Marital problems in numerology

Day 1419 and 1420 - my Internet did not work yesterday thus I was not able to post my entry. But i will write about it today since i had a very interesting class in numerology about codes for marital issues. It was even more fascinating when we started looking at real examples from class and you see that all of them with no exceptions had several of the codes. We talked about how we can help to save them if the couple comes to see us on time and which cannot be saved. Interesting, very disturbing but also encouraging on the same time; things can be changed for the better with more awareness and with the right help. But overall like every week I am overwhelm by the power numerology has; by the intricate web that numbers weave underneath all that we see. They are the matrix on which everything is built. And we get to see a little opening in this vast unknown and great wisdom that breath life and matter into it. I am thankful for every lesson I get. I am thankful for this gift I was convinced to bestow upon myself. I am thankful for yet two more wonderful days. I am thankful for my life

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