Sunday, December 21, 2014

The essence of a mystic store

Day 1431 - we run a mystic shop which means that we have a clientele with some very interesting and different set of problems and issues they come to discuss with us. Very different than what you hear in a "normal" store. We are not only selling stones; we sell energies and inspiration, we sell remedies to evil eye and past reincarnations issues; we deal with spiritual guides and aura and chakras repairs. It might sound a little off to you but I love this and it makes for some very interesting encounters and very special people that walk through our door. We had one such story today, a very inspiring one and it makes me feel so good to be a good listener to this woman and her story as well as for the fact we were able to contribute some advise that will help her further along the way. In fact, when I think about it, most of the people today in one way or another needed some inspiration and even more so an advise of how to do things better, how to make small changes that count or how to something else. My numerology teacher told me once that since I have numbers that are doing well for people who need healing these people will come looking for me. And it's so nice to see it happening. It makes me feel so good and I am so thankful for that.

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