Monday, March 10, 2014

A restful evening

Day 1145 - The first day in a long time that I was not in a hurry, no need to pack. I have to admit it feels good. I know its a temporary relief and in a month I'll be in it all over again but for now I am on a mini break. Tomorrow I'll have to start looking into houses again and it will be over, but today is a quiet day. I could read a book, which I didn't do in a long time or so many other things but I chose to enjoy an evening with my partner. Sadly, we don't get to do that much lately. A chilly evening, raining outside and we were home warm and cozy enjoying the heater (no fireplace here). How wonderful it can be simply to rest for a while and be in the moment, nothing to worry about, nothing to work toward. Just be in the moment. Nothing before or after; just be present in my life for a brief moment in time.
I am thankful for this little pause in my hectic life. I am thankful for time spent with a loved one. I am thankful I can go to sleep and not have my whole body screaming for some rest after a long evening of packing. I am thankful I am not going to see any of my boxes for a month now.

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