Sunday, March 9, 2014

Starting the long way back

Day 1144 - so good to have it all behind me, to know that step one in my way back to civilization is over. I packed my house and moved out. And now i am settling into my new and temporary housing arrangement and hopefully tomorrow I'll start looking for a new place to live. I hope this time to make a better and smarter choice. Since it can make the difference in the world. I am tired, very tired. The long hours and the I intensive physical labor are taking their toll. And so my goal is to hit the sac before midnight. I have to admit it's such a relief to have it all behind me. To know it's over. I can't wait to be back in the city, to go out at night or on Saturday for coffee; to go to the beach... Sometimes you have to lose something to learn to appreciate it. At least this was the case here. I was so sure about moving away, but now I know better. So it was a very important lesson.

I am thankful for being on my way back. I am thankful for lessons learned; for changing of priorities. I am thankful to be again on the brink of new life.

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