Monday, March 31, 2014


Day 1166 - Looking for an apartment, working the mess at work, working the mess in my life... I am at a crossroads once again. I keep saying that the only constant in my life is the change but when things really come to it, there are some things I wish I didn't have to change. But these are my life, these are the cards I have to play and I will master the strength to do that. I am much stronger than I care to admit, I just don't particularly like to test these boundaries... A difficult day; one of many, I guess. But I know that at the end of the long, dark tunnel there is a ray of light and with this knowledge I plunge in hoping to come better at the other end. This how we are forged, in a blazing fire. 

I am thankful for every day I live on this planet, as difficult as it is; this is what gives color and brightness to other days. I am thankful for all the tests and challenges; I know I needed them or else they would not come my way.   

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