Tuesday, March 11, 2014

No glasses day

Day 1146 - my reading glasses fell off my bag today and I realized I'm missing them only when we were already in the store. So I had a most trying day. I can't really do much without my glasses, I can barely read. A very interesting understanding of how crucial they are for me, how dependent I am on them. I tried to read but it's all blurry, I could not decipher numbers and so I didn't do any of my work, worried I'll put nonsense into our system. Now I am back home, so happy I can read once again. As a result if today I decided to leave one pair of glasses at work, just in case something like that ever happens again.

I am thankful I did not lose my glasses just dropped them at work. I am thankful to have my glasses again, to be able to read once again. I am thankful for this amazing invention we all take for granted; it sure wasn't today for me.  

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