Sunday, March 23, 2014

Little pleasures

Day 1158 - I didn't feel like working on the computer tonight and instead I read a book. It's been a long time since I did something like that. Reading a book on a regular evening. How special, how profound. To add even more quality to my day I am planning to go to sleep soon, hopefully before 11 pm. Interesting how simple stuff when neglected for so long, become so special! For sure something to think about; instead of looking elsewhere for fun and entertainment we can look inside. See what is it that we like and didn't do in a long time and schedule time for it. It's so invigorating, so fulfilling.
I am thankful for the little things I life that make my day so special. I am thankful for a book, for an early night sleep and most of all for the situation that made all this possible

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