Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Healing Power of Meditation

Day 106 - A good friend is battling breast cancer right now. She was diagnosed after I already left the area and so all I could do was few phone calls, and emails and facebook but not any real support. So I went to see her the first day I arrived her of course and she was after her latest chemo and felt better and for the first time in weeks was without pain. I called today and she wasn't home so I left a message. An hour later she called me that she just came back from PT and she is in so much pain she can't even get out of her car, and she asked if I can come and help her. I did of course and found her in the car, just as she said. I broke my heart to see how weak she was, how frail. I helped her in and gave her some food, her medication and after she got to bed, I set by her side and we talked. After half an hour I explained to her how to do meditation. and she started it and fell asleep in seconds. I stayed at her home, just to make sure she is OK and an hour and a half later she woke up in a lot of pain. I gave her Advil and guided her through another session of meditation and how to relax and send warm thoughts into the pain area. and again, just as before, she fell asleep in no time.
And I stayed there, looking at her, thinking how unfair it is, no one has to go through something like that. She is such a wonderful woman, fun loving and always so full of energy and  no all her reserves are gone. She was drained. And at the age of 70, one doesn't have as much anymore. How cruel is this disease and how random and no one is safe from it. I was looking at her and my heart was aching. But I was also so happy I was able to help her for one day, that I was able to calm her down and give her few hours of real rest.

I am thankful I was here today and so a great help to my friend. I am thankful that I learned enough about meditation and it's role in pain management, that I could help her relax and fall asleep, that I gave her few pain free hours. I am thankful to the amazing healing power of meditation.

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