Sunday, May 1, 2011

Some Thoughts as Another Baby Joins the Family

Day 103 - We were busy most of today unpacking. By early afternoon, the kitchen was all unpacked and in order - looks ready for work. The office was done as well and the livingroom and bedroom had some serious progress. We took a break for a few hours I needed to do some shopping and my daughter had to go and buy some stuff for installations of electronics (music, TV etc.) in the living room. We reconvened at the evening and by the time I left - 10:30 at night, the house looked like a little bit of a messy house and not like a place they moved into only yesterday. And it looks really great. they did a very nice job picking furniture and the way they set it all up. It made me very happy. To see it first of all and also to be able to help my daughter at this important time in her life. and as I said yesterday, I live far away and so I can do very little and every little extra I can do is great. By 10:30 we were all out of energy and we decided to call it a night. I was so tired I was not sure I can make it home without stopping on the way (15 minuets away) but I did. and now, instead of going right to bed, I managed to spend another hour and I am even more tired than before. Just as I got home, I had a phone call from my mom informing me that my Nephew had a baby - about two weeks early as well. His sister gave birth almost 3 weeks ago and so we have two of the babies we are expecting. Still to come - 3 more My daughter's wife, my other niece (my brother's daughter) and my sister's step sister, who got married last year and is now pregnant. So we are going to have 5 babies in less than half a year!! absolutely amazing!! I can wait when I go back home to see the new addition to the family.
I am thankful for being here and able to help in finishing to set up the house for the new addition to our little immediate family. I am so excited about it and happy I got to spend time with my daughter and her wife. I am thankful for yet another baby to our larger circle of growing family. I am thankful that at times like that when all are so stressed about where the world is going and when there is so much unrest and uncertainty, we get off the wagon and celebrate life's little joys. A sun shine, warm weather, a nest and especially celebrating the future.

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