Sunday, May 1, 2011

Moving Day

Day 102 - The problem with travel across the world in such a short time is that Our bodies have hard time to adjust to the time difference, and it disrupts the sleep patterns of most people. I never have a jet lag. I went to sleep yesterday at about midnight and when my daughter came here at 5 am after driving all night, I didn't even wake up. I got up at 9am when the movers came. And than it became a very long and crazy day. the movers packed all the stuff the girls still had here in this house and than we drove to the new house. My daughter in the moving truck she was driving all night with their stuff from one apartment, the movers drove with the second truck with the stuff from the storage and from our house and I drove my little car. We were busy for the rest of the day with unloading and later unpacking and it was a lot of work but also a lot of fun. My daughters partner is very pregnant so we had to make sure she won't do any lifting or much work at all and the both of us worked first set the living room and than all the new rugs they purchased for the new house and than the baby's room and their room. at 5 pm we realized that we still didn't eat since the early morning and so we drove back to our house, they went to pick up their dog from the day-care and I made some food. We finished packing some left over here, including a lot of baby stuff they got from friends, loaded it all on the truck and they left about 2 hours ago. We will continue tomorrow. It was a very long and tiring day but I am so happy I am here and can help. I feel like I am so removed from her life right now, with the fight we had and just by being so far away at time that is so important in her life, so even just being here and helping with the move means so much to me.
I am so thankful I am here and able to help with this move. I am thankful for being part of this special experience of preparing the house for the new baby. At the end of such day, I feel a little more connected and in the picture and I am very thankful for that. This is their first real home together and at such important time in their life and I am so thankful I was able to be part of that.

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