Thursday, May 19, 2011

"Oldies" Music Concert

Day 121 - Today marks the fourth months since I started blogging. Looking back at it, I think it was a great idea. I have to examine every day and find something special; it makes me want to do things, because after a while "I am thankful that nothing happed" becomes old. Plus, part of the deal was that every day I have to write about something different. It keeps me fresh, brings awareness, and so it creates a lot of good. And I truly believe that by thinking good thoughts we create a more positive world for ourselves, we make the world a little better place to live. So I am very happy I came with that idea.
Today at the evening I went with 11 friends from our hiking group to hear a music concert. It was covers for 60/70/80 music. We set there and listen and some of the people even danced, we had wine and some food, we tapped on the table and danced in our chairs; in short, we had a good time. It was in the upper floor of a mall that is not highly used. There is a café there and its owner is the one to organize the evening. There were many people and the atmosphere was nice, the band was very good and the lead singer had a wonderful voice, so I enjoyed it very much. They played until 12:30 am and we stayed even longer before going home. A fun night and something I don’t do very often, so definitely something to be thankful for. My daughter at the same time went to "Student Day" party, and came back even later, at 3:30 am. She had soo much fun. It makes me so happy the city is still alive at the wee hours of the night. tI always bothered me, when we still lived abroad, that at 11pm everything is closed and the streets are deserted. Whereas here the bars are still open, people are still walking the streets, not like in the middle of the day but quite a few people are still out.
I am thankful for a fun feeling night. I am thankful to my friend who found the venue, ordered a great table for us all, and made sure everyone will come. I am thankful for doing something so different in the middle of the week. I am especially thankful that it was today, after a very busy week, so I could slow down and relax. I am thankful for this “oldies” music, it is the music of my youth and I absolutely love it. I am thankful for the energy in this country and for the fun loving people for nights that are filled with laughter.

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