Sunday, July 8, 2012

Celebrating Life

Day 537I finished my painting in our last session and I started thinking about my next one. I am going to paint naked women for a while now. First because I love nude pictures and I want to get good at it and I can do that only by painting many such pictures to get the feel for it. So I did a search on Google pictures and as I was looking through the photographs I came upon one of a naked pregnant woman and it was so beautiful that I changed the subject and search for “nude maternity” and I found so many beautiful pictures. What I like most of all is how society is changing its view about that. Years ago, when our parents where young and expecting, a woman in this “condition” was supposed to stay home. When our generation reached the stage of parenting it was already much better. Woman could do anything they wanted, and we felt we had it all. But looking at this generation I see how much we still didn’t have. Now women are celebrating their pregnancy. A woman can wear a bikini and show her very pregnant belly and it is totally acceptable. It sure was not in our time. it culminated in these nude photos; what it suggest is that it is not only OK but it is actually considered pretty. I look at these photos and it really is so pretty, but I sure did not see myself as pretty or sexy when I was at the late stages of my pregnancy. I am so happy to see these concepts changing and I am sure it will reward this generation nicely for putting pregnancy back on the pedestal, where it belongs. For allowing this celebration of life as it forms.
I am thankful I live to see this very important change taking main stage in our society. I am thankful for the place in the limelight pregnancy gets. I am thankful for celebration of life in all its stages and forms. I am especially thankful for this amazing photograph I found by Grace Light Photography, it is sheer magic; I will try to draw this, I don’t know if I can.     

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